Some useful links for developers, to avoid terrible frontend codes.
Does anyone not know about shadcn/ui? To be honest this guy saves everyone's life :). However, shadcn is too atomic, it's not easy to use it as a full-fledged UI.
The following ui libraries are based on shadcn, but are more like normal ui libraries for developers.
- Origin UI
- Magic UI
- Aceternity UI <-this website uses it, a lot
other recommended ui libraries, i,e, not based on shadcn
- Next UI<- not related to nextjs
- Headless UI
- Iconify
- Tabler <-I prefer this one
- Hero Icons
- Lucide Icons <-integrated with shadcn/ui
- React Icons <- once popular, but now I don't use it anymore
Other annoying stuffs
React hooks
I just recommend this one, because I don't like to write the same codes over and over again.
I guess these are the all the things for frontend developers. As for backend developers...